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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Marquee Smith

Shooting under flourescent lighting

Hi everyone! How do I get correctly exposed prints under flourescent lights? I took pictures in my office where we have exposed flourescents. The letters on the keyboard have a yellow tint to them. I used Fuji 400 Superia X-tra, aperature priority mode and no flash.

On another occasion I took picures in a meeting room. Half lit by covered flourescents, the other half by dim recessed lights. These prints were underexposed. They are grainy and shadowed. this time I used aperature priority, portrait and auto modes at various focal lenghts and Fuji 400 Superia X-tra, some with flash, some without.

Do I need a different film, to add a filter, a stronger flash???? Thank you in advance for any help and suggestions.

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November 03, 2004


  Hi Marquee
I too had the same problem when shooting under OUTDOOR flourescent lighting. My advice to you is to get an FL-D filter but be sure to ask questions when or if you go to purchase it.

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February 08, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Marquee - Paula is correct, a magenta colored FLD (flourescent daylight) filter will tame the greenish tint of flourescent lighting.
HOWEVER...big HOWEVER here - DO NOT use this filter in conjunction with your flash. Use one or the other. Never both.
If you are really compelled and inspired to totally correct your lighting situation AND use flash, you will need two filters: a green filter or gel to go over the flash, and the magenta FLD filter to go over your lens.
Michael H. Cothran

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February 09, 2005

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