BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Janet L. Skinner

Uploading photos

I am new to BetterPhoto and find that I am losing color saturation when uploading. I have read the upload hiints, size etc. and am following that. My work is digital. Any further advise?


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November 03, 2004


Diane Dupuis
  I've heard that if you size your photo to no more than 480 on the short size it might help. I personally haven't run into this problem, but I know others who have. I'll try to send them to answer your question...

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November 03, 2004


Sharon Day
  Occasionally I run into this problem as well but I don't know why it happens. I had an awful problem with softness until it was explained to me to size them at 480 pixels on the short size to compensate for the border, as Diane has already said. That can't be emphasized enough. It makes a big difference.

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November 03, 2004


Pamela K
  Sizing to 480 on the short side definitely improves sharpness.

I've found that I lose saturation mostly on photos with a lot of green in them. I haven't figured out a good way to avoid this, but I'm working on it. I'll let you know if I come up with anything....


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November 03, 2004


Janet L. Skinner
  Thank you, I will try that.

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November 04, 2004


Janet L. Skinner
  # 1
# 1

Janet L. Skinner

  # 2
# 2

Janet L. Skinner

I am so frustrated! I seem to lose the deepness of my blues. And as stated above get a green cast. I am uploading two pictures. The first one the histogram is perfect, the photo looks great on my monitor and it prints the same. Uploaded it looks washed out with loss of color. The second one I pushed into the levels beyond the histogram. I just and it looks dark on my monitor but I wanted to see how it uploads.

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November 09, 2004

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