BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 
- Jyan L. Crayton

Contact Jyan L. Crayton
Jyan L. Crayton's Gallery


I'm an Ophthalmic Photographer trying to get started in portrait and wedding photography. I've been using my friends and their kids for practice, using different techniques I've read in the books. The thing is I photographed one of the kids and my friend loved the pictures and decided she wanted enlargements, well I saw the enlargements and all of them came out fine except the one of her daughter posing in her majorette suit. the 4x6 look fine but in the enlarement looks like she has glitter on part of her arm(probably because her suit was made of sequence material)
and her stockings has a look as if they have runs in them and the picture does not look as clear in the 8x10
enlargements. I used my elan 7n 35mm camera and since we were in the park on a nice day I didn't use a flash but I think I got a little glare in the photo.
I was wondering what can I use so this won't happen when I take outside pictures.
and for my enlargements with a 35mm camera what's the highest I can enlarge and should I use faster speed. I used 200.


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October 31, 2004

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