BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Diane Weightman

Low light fast action

I am pretty new at this so please forgive me!

I am trying to take pictures of my son's marching band. They are in huge competition now and I cannot take a class now, and NEED HELP!

What is hard to accomplish is the low light situations of the night field shots and the fast actions and this band REALLY moves.

I have been experimenting with using a 60 shutter speed and no flash. I am using a manfrotto tripod with a pistol grip and a remote shutter button.

I am new to adjusting aperatures, shutter speed etc. I have been using this camera on automatic mode and learning more of composition.

I hope someone can help me I need to know more advanced techniques quickly as they have a huge out of state competition next Saturday.

Thank you for any and all help!!!

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October 30, 2004

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