BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Mason Gray


I read that JPEG imagaes suffer degradation when copied numerous times (2nd, 3rd, 4th generation images). Is there a simple way of converting JPEG to TIFF files so it does not suffer from degradation?

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October 28, 2004


Kip T. Berger
  Most phot programs allow saving in differnet formats, including tiff. Try opening the phot in one of your programs, then look for file/save as/ then look for the tiff extension.

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October 28, 2004


Jon Close
  No degradation occurs with simply copying .jpg files. The compression and degradation occurs when the file is opened for edit and then saved (even if no changes are made).

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October 28, 2004


Peter E. Reilly
  I use a software title called Studioline. This product touts no-generation loss. It's true too! You can always go back to your original -- and when you edit, the image is never comprimised. is the link in case you are interested. It's inexpensive.

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November 17, 2004


Mason Gray
  Thank you for all your replies. I always seem to learn something new everytime I log-in . . . Thanks again

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November 17, 2004


Debra M. Watkins
  I have a question along this same line, so I thought I would 'piggyback' on this one. If you open a .jpg file for editing, but then you save the edited photo as something else, does it affect the original since you are really not saving it again? Hope this makes sense.

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November 20, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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November 20, 2004


Debra M. Watkins
  Great! Thanks for the info!

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November 20, 2004

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