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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Dorothy Neumann

Effect introduced in editing

  Foggy barn showing rainbow/halo
Foggy barn showing rainbow/halo

Dorothy Neumann

  Foggy barn original
Foggy barn original

Dorothy Neumann

I have experimented a little bit with taking pictures in foggy conditions. I am able to bring out the details in the scene quite well with adjusting contrast and levels; however I also see a halo/rainbow effect that doesn't show in the originals. Is there a way to edit so this doesn't occur, or a way to get rid of it? I am including a black & white image that was originally color for illustration. Also the original. I appreciate any feedback.

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October 27, 2004


Peggy Wolff
  Hi Dorthy, I am afraid I can not give you much advise on how to get rid of the rainbow effect. My PS skills are very minimal. However, do you mean the rays of light on the upper right side? If so, I wouldn't get rid of those at all. I think it adds so much to the photo, in fact that is what makes it in my eyes. It is a dark and foggy morning with the ray of light shinging through. To me it symbolizes when our lives are dark and gloomy and hot God will shine through all our gunk to show us the light.

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October 27, 2004


Dorothy Neumann
  Thank you, Peggy. That's a very beautiful interpretation of what's going on here.

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October 27, 2004


Sharon Day
I created fog in the first photo by just lowering the saturation, giving the photo a little blue cast and then painting over with a brush. Foreground color set to white and opacity at 15%. The second fog photo I created a little differently by creating a new layer and using the PS Filter Render>Clouds. Last step is to use the Filter Artistic>Neon Glow and making a little adjustment to the Clouds so they aren't so obvious. Flatten the work then it's done. I think the 1st one looks about as good and is a lot less trouble.

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October 27, 2004


Sharon Day
  The photo I just uploaded was taken on a partially cloudy day. Lowering the saturation is an important step before painting over the photo.

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October 27, 2004


Dorothy Neumann
  Thanks Sharon. I'm learning how to make fog when there isn't any, and how to de-fog a scene slightly to bring out more detail.

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October 27, 2004


Sharon Day
  You're quite welcome, Dorothy! I forgot to add I make several passes until I get the look I want when I do it by painting.

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October 27, 2004

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