BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Marquee Smith

What You See Through The Lens

I'm new to the world of photography ... but would be more excited if the image I saw through the viewfinder was the same as print. I have a Canon Rebel Ti, and when I get my prints back there is always "extra" in the print that I did not see when I composed the pic. Please look at the 2 pix. The 1st is the print, 2nd is the cropped version I TRIED to achieve on film. Please disregard slant, I didn't see that when I took the picture :-) Also I did not use flash, so forgive the shadow - I'm still learning.

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October 20, 2004


Marquee Smith
  glass beads 1
glass beads 1
aperture f22, shutter 90, lens 80mm, location, name, time of day early morning, some southeast sun thru a side window,

Marquee Smith

  glass beads 2
glass beads 2
cropped version

Marquee Smith

I realized I did not add pix. Here they are. Glss beads 1 is the orig. Notice the wall above the jar. #2 is the edited version. I used a tripod, 80mm lens about 2 1/2 ft away from subject. help

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October 20, 2004

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