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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 


how to take night shots

how do I take night shots of animals in wildlife using an slr camera with a 70-300mm lens f4/5.6

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October 18, 2004


David King
  Hi Jeevan, your question doesn't mention whether the wildlife is dangerous or not which could influence a proper approach. Basically however, the problem is the same as for any night shot: light, or the lack of it.

Many wildlife photographers rig flash units to fire from a trip wire so the photo is taken remotely. That way they are not around to spook the animals with sound or smell.

Some animals are very tolerant of a light placed along a normal route where you could shoot from a blind especially if they have had a chance to get used to it. However a 300mm lens does not let you get very far away from the subject unless you are talking about things the size of elephants or large ungulates.


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October 24, 2004

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