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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Grainy photos....

Sorry, Im a newbie, so please bear with me. :-) When shooting at dusk or even at night, some photos of mine come out really grainy. At my brothers wedding, in a fairly bright church, a few photos of them on the alter also have grain in them. Any suggestions on how to fight this? More flash, iso etc?

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October 11, 2004


David King
  Hi Molly. you didn't say what film you were using or give other details so I'll have to be general. The faster the sensitivity of a film (i.e. the higher the ISO rating) the grainier it is. Speed is accomplished by, among other things, incresing the surface area of the film. Plus, some film.developer combinations increase the clumping of the grain so the effect is even greater. The places you really notice it are in broad low detail areas of middle tones since in black or white areas you can't see it. Fine detail also tends to mask it.

Greater flash power may allow you to use a slower, finer-grained film. if you are processing your own you can also make sure the film/developer combination is optimized for fine grain.


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October 24, 2004

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