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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to Re-Size a Picture for Web Use?

I am having a terrible time taking a good picture and resizing it to a 2by2 or 2by3 picture for a Web page. Every time it gets to the Web size the picture is distorted and looks awful. What am I doing wrong? Often I crop the picture first. Would that make a difference? Thank you.

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October 10, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  It's probably due to not cropping to a proportion that is the same as the space for the Web site.

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October 10, 2004


Kip T. Berger
  In addition to Gregory's suggestion, you might also be re-sizing without constraining proportions. Plus, you should use bicubic interpolation when re-sizing.

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October 11, 2004


Laura Berman
You don't say how you are resizing or in what program so I'll just plunge in and make assumptions:
1. Don't resize by physically pulling the "handles" at the corners of the photo, always use the "image size" pulldown in PhotoShop or Elements or the equivalent in another graphics program. In that window, make sure that "constrain proportions" is checked. That means that the photo will always retain the original proportions.
2. Another way of doing this - especially for web use - is to "save for Web" (again in PS/Elements). Again you will input a dimension and the computer will handle the rest. it is especially good for web use as it changes the colour profile to optimize for the Web.
3. And another way is to use "automate">"Fit image" (in PS, under File).
I hope this helps.

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October 16, 2004

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