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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Dan Durfey

Facial reflections from flash

I shot wedding candids with my flash on a bracket. Great exposure and no red eye but flash reflections on tip of noses, very distracting. I tried test shots with stofen filter over difference. I moved flash off camera, the reflection just moved to side of the nose. Suggestions please?


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September 20, 2004


  I used to have a problems like that , reflections and shiny spots.I don't know if this will help you but it did for me. One is to make sure that the flash isn't too strong for the distance. Another is bounce the light for the shot.I have used sheets on floor and car windshield heat reflectors to bounce the flash.Not saying that this will work for you but it has for me. I am sure you will figure it out and hope that this will help even if it is unconventional. I use what is around at times because some shots come at strange places and times. Good luck.

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September 21, 2004


Dan Durfey

Thanks for the suggestions...


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September 21, 2004

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