BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


how do you develop your own pictures in a darkroom? and what do you use? I dont know any of this stuff I just now started photography I have been taking pictures but I dont know how to develop a picture? please answer me..

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September 19, 2004


R.M. Fusco
What do you want to do exactly? Do you want to process the film, or develop the prints from negs? B&W is fairly simple to set-up in terms of the supplies that you will need. Color is a whole other ball game. Of course you will first need a ventilated, light proof room. With B&W you will need the enlarger to expose your negative to the photo paper and then you immerse the photo paper in a number of chemicals like a developer, a stop bath, fixer and a water wash. If I knew more of what you wanted to do, perhaps I could be of more help. Hope to talk to you soon.

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September 20, 2004

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