BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Photo software and glare

What is the best way to get glare off the glasses of people that didn't turn their head just right? I am looking for software that will make it easy.

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September 16, 2004


  If the subject with the glasses is in a group you should try to remember to have them tilt away from the glare. If you forgot you can use the rubber stamp tool in photoshop. Another tip is when shooting a single person w/ glasses. Take two shots, one with the glasses, don't worry about the glare, and another without the glasses. When your editing, take the eyes from the shot with no glasses and put them over the eyes with the glasses. THis works great, especially when photographing more than one single person at the photoshoot. Don't have to keep adjusting the lights. Just shoot with the glare and fix it later.

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September 30, 2004

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