BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Keith A. Trepanier

What's the trick?

I have been a member of BetterPhoto since January 2004. One of the reasons I joined this site was because I wanted to better myself as a photographer. I was looking forward to some comments. Comments which include constructive criticism or anything else. I have noticed many other members that have comments on almost every photo. I have placed many comments on other members photos because I like them, but also hoping that they might check out my gallery as well. At the present I have uploaded 31 photos and I have had only 9 pictures commented on. My question is, is there a trick to getting more people to comment on my photos? Thanks

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September 13, 2004


R.M. Fusco
  HI Keith,
I have to agree. I have the same problem. I have not yet committed to a member gallery for that very same reason. There are some names that I notice comment on just about every photo, but when I upload an image it seems to get overlooked. I just don't know if it's worth it to have a gallery, as I don't know how much exposure I'm going to get. I'll check out your gallery. Regards, Ro.

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September 13, 2004


R.M. Fusco
  Hello Again,
I had a chance to look at your gallery and see many strong images. I do have a degree in photography and am currently working as a professional commercial photographer, so I would be glad to help if you should have any questions. Who knows, I may have some questions that you can help me with. I always have room for improvement. Regards, Ro.

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September 13, 2004


Keith A. Trepanier
  Hi Ro,
Thank you for viewing my gallery and offering your help. I can probably learn a lot more from you, than you from me. I am not even quite an amatuer yet. I have no photography schooling at all. I may attend in the future but for now I have no time. That's why I wanted to find a site that would help me a little. I understand they have on-line courses here, but that would also take some time I don't have right now. I still have tons of photos I'd like to upload, but I haven't found the time. Life is very busy with 5 boys at home. Thanks again, Keith

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September 14, 2004


Darlene Christensen
  Hi Keith,
While cruising through the daily Q&A's I checked out your comment..and then your gallery. I have to tell you I really enjoyed your pictures! The love you have for your family comes crashing through each image! Keeping shooting! WOW..5 boys..I can't imagine. I have 4 girls..THAT was bad enough! I've belonged to this site for a while now and I can't tell you all the information I've gained. I'm a semi-pro at this point..selling photo gift cards and personalized note cards with my images on them. Yep, I still have a "day job" too! My advise would be to check out Q&A every day..I guarantee you'll learn something new each time! It's a great site. I hope to take a course someday soon. Good luck to you! Darlene

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September 14, 2004


Diane Dupuis
  Hi Keith!
BP is fantastic - and I find the more time you spend on it the more connected you'll feel.
One suggestion - I don't know what time you are uploading, but I've noticed that the morning crowd seems to have more time to comment than the later in the day/evening crowd... I usually post around 6:00 a.m. Montreal time, then spend 15 minutes checking out and commenting on the other entries from the same time... They're nice people and usually comment back.
Make sure to write in your description that you are looking for constructive feedback. People do tend to write nice comments because sometimes its backfired when they've tried to make a suggestion...
OK - I'm off to check out your gallery now!
Good luck!

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September 15, 2004


Keith A. Trepanier
  Darlene, Thank you for viewing my gallery and for the kind words. I viewed your gallery as well. I liked it very much. Very colorful. Keep up the good work. I'll take your advice and keep looking at the Q&A section of BetterPhoto. Once again thank you and good luck with your 4 girls. I know I need it with my 5 boys.

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September 19, 2004


Keith A. Trepanier
  Diane, Thank you for viewing and commenting on almost all my photos. That must have taken some time. I really appreciate it. I will have to try your suggestions. Now I'm off to check out your gallery.

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September 19, 2004


Kip T. Berger
  Hi Keith, enjoyed viewing your work. I like some of the scenery shots and the candids of your kids. Keeping shooting and having fun.

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September 19, 2004

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