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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Jen Hernandez

very poorly lit reception hall

I am shooting a wedding Sept 18 and the reception is being held in a "lodge". (a.k.a. very poorly lit log cabin with vaulted ceilings) The space is huge. I am shooting with a canon digital rebel and using a canon 420ex speedlite. I was taking test shots in the space and it just seems to absorb all light. My flash almost seems like it's not strong enough! I am going to have to take a lot of reception pictures and I just can't figure out how to make the images turn out. There is nothing to bounce the flash off of and when the flash is aimed directly at a person, it needs to be very close. I even tried setting my exposure compensation at +2. Any suggestions? How do I get enough light without blasting their faces?

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September 10, 2004


Kip T. Berger
  You might consider trying a reflector for your flash head. Lumiquest and others make pocket size ones that can be attached. Also might try higer ISO on the rebel, and test for noise. Not sure the distance rating for your 420 EX since I use a 550 EX. You may need to invest in a more powerful flash unit.

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September 18, 2004


Don Nanneman
  I recently purchased a 420EX for use with elan 7E. I have been extremely dissappointed with both output and coverage for medium wide angle. I have used it with and wothout lumiguest reflector. I would not recommend this flash for any purpose. I previously used a 380 EX which worked better

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January 26, 2005


Maynard McKillen
  Dear Jen:
Sounds like a nightmare scenario. Did you consider hiring an arsonist?
My posting is long past the event, and you may have abandoned photography for scuba diving or some other more rewarding vocation, but you and other readers may still make use of a few thoughts.
Faced with such a black hole, I would bring in one or two additional flash units, put them up on light stands, and trigger them by means of radio slaves. Those additional flash units would not have to be dedicated units like the 420, in fact it would be better and easier if they were not. Older, nondedicated units like the Sunpak 383 Super and the Vivitar 285 are much less expensive. These units will be aimed at your backgrounds, and will merely lighten them up a bit. It is very challenging to try and use just the 420 to simultaneously illuminate your subjects and the more distant backgrounds.

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January 26, 2005

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