BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Karma Wilson

How to Avoid Reflections in Subject's Eye?

I took some great pics of my daughter, but I can see my reflection in her eyes. I like the straightforward look of the photo, but I wasn't intending on a self-portrait! So how do I avoid this? Stand further back and zoom in more? I wasn't that close really and did zoom. I always do for portraits. I was wearing red, which made it worse than it might have been.
Thanks in advance.

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August 29, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  The only thing I could recommend holds true for just about all unwanted reflections: Position yourself (or your subject) on enough of an angle to allow the reflection to fall out-of-frame.
(Sounds like a pretty neat photo, though.)

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August 29, 2004


Christel Davis
  You may also want to try a circular polarizer. I'm not too sure it would work with her eyes but it works with windows, glasses, and shiny surfaces.

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September 03, 2004

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