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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Sarah cordes

photographing people

Hi,my names sarah
I am soon going to be taking lots of pictures of people, and I was wondering if anyone had any advice....they wont be portrait shorts more of candid photos with natural backgrounds.I sort of want a very mystical and interesting theme or feel to the photographs.thanks for any comments!

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August 24, 2004


R.M. Fusco
  Hello again Sarah,
You can achieve the feel you want in many different ways. One is to shoot B&W. Depending on the subject and situation they are in, B&W can be very dramatic. Also, try throwing the BG out of focus with control of your DOF. You don't have to do that in every situation. Also, whenever possible, (I know you said they won't be portrait shots) but, get the eyes as focused as you can. Can't wait to see what you come up with. Have Fun. Annie

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August 25, 2004


Sarah cordes
  thanks annie, but u said alot of things I didn't understand there!be patient with me,please explain b&w,bg and dof.Thanks for the help!

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August 25, 2004


Nancy Grace Chen
  Hi Sarah...

B&W = Black and White
BG = Background
DOF = Depth of Focus

B&W and BG are rather self-explanatory; depth of focus is controlled by the aperture of your lens (what kind of camera do you have? You may or may not be able to control it depending on your camera).

I think the best way to create interesting pics is using the lighting. Try shooting with the lighting coming from different angles. Especially if you want a mystical feel, you may want to try backlighting. (Where the light is coming from directly behind the person) It will take lots of experimentation. Good luck!


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August 25, 2004


  Sarah,consider going to your library and checking out some books on photographing people.Look at lots of pictures for pose ideas(standing at the fireplace,sitting on the couch,playing a game together, ect.Avoid the "stand strait and say cheese"shots. Let the group stand or sit togeather while you talk and laught togeather,(this keeps every one relaxed)and they look more natural. You snap pictures!Lots of them, this gives you more to choose from.Hope this helps,Don.

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December 03, 2004

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