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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Sarah cordes

comments on my first photographs(begginer!)

  summer love
summer love

Sarah cordes

hi my name is sarah and I am only 14 and have a great interest in photography. I have no money for equipment but I do have a old(but good) canon ae-1 camera. I recently took pictures for the first time on the camera and would love to hear comments on it(hopefully I can upload it!). I have been told I have the "eye" of a photographer.thanks for any comments!

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August 23, 2004


R.M. Fusco
  Hi Sarah,
Looks like you're headed in the right direction. My suggestion to you is to do some studying on exposure first. Learn how to operate the camera that you do have, in regard to the technical aspect of photography. You don't need a whole lot of equipment right now. Especially expensive equipment. Learn some of the basics and go from there. Your composition and theme of this photo are good. I'd like to see some other images. Good Luck and have fun!


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August 24, 2004


Rhonda L. Tolar
I agree with Annie, you look like you are headed in the right direction. If you don't have a owner's manual for your camera, you can go to the Canon web page and order one.
And from there....just shoot, shoot, shoot, the more practice the better you get!
Good luck!

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August 24, 2004


Karma Wilson
  I think this is very nice. From this shot I would say you do have "the eye".


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August 29, 2004

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