BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Rachel T. Hammer

Critique, Please?

  Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse
Taken with a 70-300mm Nikkor zoom lens, handheld, in my backyard with overcast skies.

Rachel T. Hammer

This photograph was taken in low-light conditions with a speedlight(strong flash). Is the background/overall picture too dark, and, if it is, how could I fix it? I have photoshop...

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August 13, 2004


Pamela K
  I kind of like the dark background as it helps the bird pop. However, it does make it look as if it were night time.

I'm not sure exactly how you could fix this and I hope you'll get some expert opinions...


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August 13, 2004


Jill A. Johnson
Hi Rachel...
I had a portrait of a golden finch that was taken against a blue sky... although the finch it's self came out very clear and detailed I wanted to really make her pop so I gave her a two tone darker background in PS using clouds of deep green and off black using the blacks from her feathers... not sure if this is what you are looking to do but am posting it here so you can view it...
good luck
Jill :)

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August 13, 2004


Jill A. Johnson
  Golden Beauty
Golden Beauty
background replaced in PS

Jill A. Johnson

Hi Rachel...
I had a portrait of a golden finch that was taken against a blue sky... although the finch it's self came out very clear and detailed I wanted to really make her pop so I gave her a two tone darker background in PS using clouds of deep green and off black using the blacks from her feathers... not sure if this is what you are looking to do but am posting it here so you can view it...
good luck
Jill :)

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August 13, 2004

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