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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

R.M. Fusco

Photographing glass/crystal in the studio

I am the photographer for a glass company. I am having difficulty shooting the optical crystal, (these are the pieces that are very clear.) When the light passes through, I lose the definition around the edges. I don't have much of the proper equipment to work with. A couple of softboxes, a spot, and a nice light table, though. I work with a lower-end 35mm digital. Is there a right way to light glass items?

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August 12, 2004


William Koplitz
  You say you work for a glass company as a photographer. LOL. You might have to modify the glass to achieve your goal.

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August 18, 2004


Pamela K
  The only thing I've ever photographed that was glass was lit from below and had a dark background. The edges glinted against the background and I was able to capture the essence of the object.

I would try putting the glass on a light box with all other lights in the room turned out and a dark drop cloth behind the glass.

Good luck! Let us know if you find something that works.


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August 18, 2004


R.M. Fusco
  Yes, I do the photography, layout, and design for the marketing publications(catalogs and brochures). I do work with an 8'X 4' light table. For most glass items this is okay, for others the light doesn't enhance the edges. Just to give you an example of what I shoot, the company I work for supplied and etched the awards for the Country Music Awards. I do this type of glass and crystal items. Anymore help please. Thanks.

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August 18, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  a light behind to give highlights to the edges.

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August 18, 2004

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