BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to shoot against the glare of ice.

When I take pictures in the arena at a hockey game the pictures are clear but the lighting is always yellow. How can this be illimiated. hope you can help.

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August 10, 2004


Nancy Grace Chen
  Hi Nikki, are you shooting digital or film?


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August 10, 2004


R.M. Fusco
If you are shooting with a digital that allows you to adjust the white balance or color temp., try adjusting for indoor / tungsten lighting. That's about 4500 to 5500K. If you are using film, you'll need to shoot with tungsten balanced film.

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August 12, 2004


Jimi Hammerly
  You could also use the color correcting function in Photoshop Elements. I shoot alot of our local team. I try to meter off of the players jersey's and then work from there. I shoot digital and it seems I always get that greyish cast no matter what I set my white balance to.But the color correction solves that. I also open up about a third of a stop to make up for the bright white rink. I hope this helps some, because the new season is just around the corner.

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August 13, 2004

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