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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 


lowlight shooting w/speedlight flash

i shoot people in nightclubs, and while the people are lighted fine, the background inside the club looks like it's daytime!

i just got a Speedlight 800 flash, fired in slow sync at -1/3 EV (abience 0 EV).

how do I correct this???! (i'm trying to get a 2:1 ratio here).

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August 05, 2004


  Hi Carrie,

Were you in program mode?. Which Nikon camera did u use?. If it's Sb 800, then u must be using D70, D1x or D2h , I guessed. Does it look like daytime or overexposed? Nightclubs should be dimly lighted, it shouldn't came out that way. I shot once in a nightclub with slow sync and tripod - background turned okay but subjects are blurred with moment just as I intended.

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September 29, 2004

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