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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

D W. A

Grainy pics when zoom is used

I recently went up in a private plane and I decided to take my equipment up with me. The Problem I had is sometimes when I used my 80-200mm zoom lens (all the way to 200mm) The pics turn out grainy but some don't. But when I used my 50mm all turned out great.

It was a vey sunny day. I used 400 iso,
The camera is an old canon A-1.

What am I doing wrong????

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August 05, 2004


  The grainy ones could be the film is underexposed. At 200mm you need to open up the aperture about 2 stops than at 50mm. Is the A-1 manual or automatic?

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August 05, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  sure that it's grain and not fuzziness from using a telephoto through a window

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August 05, 2004


D W. A
  The A-1 has manual and auto settings. I was using it on auto at 1/1000 sutter speed. I know its not the window because some of the pics turned out fine.

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August 05, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  then you probably zoomed in on some bright areas that fooled the meter, making it under expose for some.
The 50mm didn't have a predominant bright area in view, so you got a more accurate exposure.

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August 05, 2004

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