BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 


How to Shoot People with Black Background

I have seen many photos where everything is black except the person/subject that is being captured. How is this achieved? Is it done digitally, or can you capture it correctly automatically? Thanks for the insight! I really want to know how to do this.

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August 02, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  The easiest way to accomplish this is by using flash. Have your subjects stand at the distance for which your flash is set to illuminate, and use the fastest flash sync possible. As long as there are no background objects closer than 10 feet or so, everything but your subjects will be black. You can also do this in a studio setting with a black backdrop and one or more light sources illuminating your subjects at an angle.

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August 02, 2004


Thea Menagh
Or, you can cut-and-paste. I have 1)a solid black background, and 2) a photograph of a 'Mummy Tummy' on a gold brocaide couch ... which I took in her home. Back in my office, I looped, feathered, cut, and pasted Mummy onto the black background ... and voila! I've used a variety of backgrounds for wedding portraits, babies, etc. In 5 minutes, I'm heading north for a 3-day photo shoot ... but always check my email first thing ... and ALWAYS betterphoto! Take care, have fun, and try everything! Thea

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August 03, 2004


Thea Menagh
Whoops! Sorry ... I uploaded one of the 'zooms' instead of the photo I intended to show! (see lots of variety at! But here's the full Mummy Tummy shot. Have a great day, everybody! Thea

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August 03, 2004


Peggy Wolff
  One other hint about using black backgrounds. Normally you want your subject about 3 feet away from your background. When trying to get a pure black background pull them at least 4 feet or more away from the backdrop just to make sure. Take a reading for your light and make sure that the backdrop has a 3 stop difference to ensure of a clean black. You can find inexpensive back drops on E-bay that would be great to start out with, The cloth absorbs more light then seemless paper back drops. I have several black backgrounds you can see on my gallery.

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August 03, 2004


Debby A. Tabb
  trophy shot
trophy shot
Taken with studio lighting -back light w/red gel

Debby A. Tabb

Also,Keep in mind that Babies or People full body shot on a Black backround- can apear to be floatting in air- use a back light with a color gel to seperate your subject from space( keep in mind that a light alone will turn your black to charcol.

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November 05, 2004

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