BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Frank P. Luongo

Need some critique

Can someone offer me some helpful suggestions or comments on these abstract and pattern photos?

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July 22, 2004


John Wright
I think you have a good eye for the abstract. The shots all have nice potential. Something that stands out for me - and it could be because of the web presentation - is that none of these strike me as having EXTREME - crisp focus. They all seem quite soft. I think that in these types of shots, focus has got to be pin sharp. The photo should look like you could reach out and touch the object that's presented. The only other note is that all of these are quite vertical and/or horizontal. Keep an eye out for that... A shot that has multiple horizontals or verticals says - boring... curves and diagonals spice up an image and pulls people attention into the shot...

Kind regards,

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July 23, 2004


Steve McCroskey
  Hi Frank!
Nice composition!!
How did you create the black background??

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July 23, 2004

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