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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Becky Kempker


I have been trying to do some portraits, and I like the pictures poses, but I can't seem to get rid of the yellowish cast on the photos. I have used with and with out flash, and I am filtering my light toward umbrellas. But the skin tones are always yellow.

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July 21, 2004


John Wright
  What kind of lighting are you using (what kind of lights are pointing at the umbrellas?). What kind of camera are you using?

Based on your answers, I'm pretty sure we can nail down your problem pretty quickly... :-)

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July 21, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  Are you shooting film or digital?

This sounds like a color temperature imbalance between your film and your lights.
A yellow cast is a by-product of using daylight-balanced film indoors with incandescent lighting..(like floods or regular light bulbs.)
Even when using flash, which is daylight-balanced, some yellowing will still occur if your other lights remain on when the flash fires.

If this is the problem, there are several ways to correct it:
*Use tungsten-balanced film (or "tungsten" setting, if digital), and shoot without flash.
*Use the same film you have now, and turn off the lights when using your flash units.

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July 21, 2004


John Wright
  That's exactly why I asked the questions I did Bob... :-)

If she's shooting digital, it could be a white balance setting as well...

I guess if she provides more info, we can get her a more accurate answer...

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July 21, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  Sorry John,...I guess we crossed paths in hyper-space. :)
When I was typing in my response, yours hadn't posted yet.

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July 21, 2004


John Wright
  No problem... :-)
Your response will help in any case. Always a good thing!

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July 21, 2004


Becky Kempker
  This is Becky - I am using 35mm SLR, I'm using Tungston light, and my umbrella's have a white & a silver reflector.
When I use my digital, I don't seem to have the problem as much.

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July 22, 2004


John Wright

As Jon mentions above you could use Tungsten balanced film to correct for the color caste that is happening because of the tungsten lighting.

Alternatively, you could use an 80A series blue filter (get the size you need based on the lens you are using) to correct the color.

One thing you mention in your original email is one of the "cardinal sins" of photographic lighting - Never mix your lighting. Flash has a different color temperature than tungsten. You can only color correct for one of the lighting types.

You can find more information here.

I hope that helps...

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July 23, 2004

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