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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Purisimo C. Bacomo

what is 30x in my shutter knob?

I have a manual camera which I bought from an Afgan refugee when I was in Saudi. The model is 3EHZT ET, ZENIT which on top has a knob with marking: P, 30x, 60, 125, 259 and 500. What does 30x mean?

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July 22, 2006


Bob Cammarata
  This rugged camera is Russian made.
The numbers on the shutter dial are in fractions of a second (1/30, 1/60, 1/125,...etc.)
The "P" is probably a "B" (for "Bulb") with the bottom portion worn off.
The "X" is a standard connotation for the flash sync speed.

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July 23, 2006


Purisimo C. Bacomo
  Bob, how nice of you to attend to my querry. Again thanks so much. Hope you'll be patient enough to people like us who want to enrich their mind or knowledge by always asking regarding photography.

God Bless

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July 23, 2006

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