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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

joy e. GLENN

Mildew/Mold/Fungus Protection

I live in a very moist environment. We do have air conditioning units (not central air). I would like to know how other people protect their cameras and lenses from mildew/mold/fungus. I have my equipment in a plastic box with Damp Rid jar in it. Is it better to leave the cover on the box or let the air circulate?

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June 01, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  There have been a lot of postings on this subject. One of the more recent ones under the key word "fungus" is here:
Take a look and if you still have questions, let us know.
Oh, BTW, air needs to circulate around or past your equipment. In a very humid environment, I'd be careful about enclosing it in anything other than a breathable camera bag, even using lots of dessicant gel or "Damp Rid". Don't store your equipment with filters in place, and make sure your lens caps are the breathable type rather than the screw on variety.
Take it light.

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June 01, 2006

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