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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Amy R. Jones

Firing strobes with Rebel XT

If anyone can help me, I'd really appreciate it! My Canon 20d is needing some repair time, and I am looking to get an xt as a backup for my small portrait business. Have read that the xt does not have a pc cord attachment. What do I need to get in order to fire my strobes? A peanut slave? A pocket wizard? It would be nice to fire the strobes without cords from my 20d as well- but possibly getting the xt as back up is forcing the issue. Any suggestions?
Thanks, Amy

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May 24, 2006


Jon Close
  A simple hotshoe PC sync adapter is all that's needed. Err on the side of caution and get one that sheilds the XT from high trigger voltages, such as the Wein Safe Sync.

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May 24, 2006

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