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Photography Question 

Christina A. Gustafson

shutter curtain repair

I need some advise on repairing a minolta xg-se shutter curtain. It was off track and when I was trying to put it in place the whole curtain came out. I put it back in but I would assume it needs to be attatched inside. Any ideas?

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April 30, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Hi Christina;

I would probably have to say that a repair shop is in order. Minolta used a dual horizontal focal plane shutter on their cameras. On fast shutter speed frames, the two curtains sweep across the film, using a gap of about a quarter inch between the two curtains. The curtains must be synchronized to work properly.

BTW, be prepared for sticker shock. Being an XG model, I may be much cheaper to replace than to repair.

Have fun and keep shooting,
Mark H.

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April 30, 2006


Christina A. Gustafson
Thanks for your response. I was kind of afraid of that when I took it to the local camera shop and they referred me to a number to call to send it away. I was just hoping I could fix on my own.
Thanks a bunch,

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May 01, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  If you're going to send it to Minolta, don't bother.It's too old for factory service. I've got a spare X700 body if you're interested. I don't have enough room in my case for it anymore.

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May 01, 2006


Christina A. Gustafson
  How much does that run? I can't decide if I should upgrade to the new digitals or not. I love experimenting with the older do it yourselfs so it makes it a tough decision.

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May 02, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  If they don't have to replace any parts, it should probably cost somewhere around a hundred bucks. Just don't quote me on that. It could be higher.

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May 03, 2006


Christopher A. Walrath
  If you have a local PRO shop, not like a Ritz or a retail flashy looking camera store, the type that sells developers and print trays and other wet darkroom supplies, they would be the ones to go to. If you are near Delaware, Cameras Etc. in Newark sends repairs off. 302-453-9400.

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May 03, 2006


Mark Feldstein has a highly reputable and reasonably priced shop in Atlanta. Go to their web site, give them a call, talk to service there and ask them to just give you an estimate for repairing the shutter curtain and while they're at it, a clean, lube and adjustment at the same time.

Mark's right in that Minolta has stopped servicing their film equipment.
Betrayed by yet another corporation. What on earth is the world coming to.

Take it light.

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May 03, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Hey Mark;

They're just going where the big bucks are. It's too cheap to repair something mechanical when you can spend hours repairing a diode.

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May 03, 2006

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