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Photography Question 

Aimee N. Guest

Do I need a new camera body?

I have cannon rebel, film based. The Auto-focus has stopped working and I have taken it to a store and they determined it is not the lense(tried my lense on other bodies) and so, therefore, it is the body.
Do I try to get this looked at and repaired or do I need a new body? My gut feeling is that it will cost more to send it in for repair than to buy the body..

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April 26, 2006


Kerry L. Walker
  I suspect you are correct. KEH has a Canon 3000 (European equivalent to the Rebel) in LN- condition for $49.00. I doubt you could get yours repaired for that.

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April 26, 2006


Jon Close
  Just curious for more details...
- What specific Rebel model?
- What specific make and model lens?
- Did you try simply cleaning the electrical contacts in the mount of the lens and the camera?
- When you say, "autofocus has stopped working," do you mean the lens motor does not run at all, or does the lens hunt back and forth without ever finding focus?
- Had autofocus been working on this lens and camera for some time and then quit? Or is this a new lens or new Rebel?
- Did you try the lens on the same model Rebel or was it a diffent (newer/older) model?
- Did you try a different lens on your camera?

As you might gather, without further info, I'm a bit suspect that it really is the camera that has failed as opposed to simply dirty electrical contacts, or a lens fault (especially if it is a Sigma or Sigma-made Quantaray).

That said, if it is a camera fault and it is out of warranty, then a repair is probably going to cost as much or more than a new Rebel.

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April 26, 2006


Aimee N. Guest
  It is Rebel GII, Quantaray 28-99mm zoom

No I have never tried cleaning that part of the camera.

Right now the lense does not hunt at all. If I switch it to manual focus, it take pictures.

I have been using the camera and lens for about 2 years now with no problems.

I don't think we tried my lense on the exact model, because the store model did not have batteries in it. So it was a different rebel, unsure of the specifics.

I did not try my lense on a different camera...should i?

Do those specifics help? Thanks for following up on my question.

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April 27, 2006


Christopher A. Vedros
  Like Jon suggested, I would be more inclined to suspect that it is a problem with the lens. Bring your camera back to the store and try a different lens on your camera.

Also, with the lens off of your camera body, compare it side-by-side with another Rebel with the lens off. Compare the metal contact pins in the lens mount to see if it looks damaged or dirty. It shouldn't matter if it is a different model Rebel, the mounts should be identical.


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April 27, 2006


Keith G. Williams
  I agree with Chris. I have an older Quantaray 70-300 lens that will not work with my Canon A2 or 1N. I read it has something to do with a chip in the older lenses.

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April 27, 2006

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