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Photography Question 

Michelle Y. Arnold

Afraid I broke my camera:(

Ok, I'm a total idiot.... The one thing I didn't read enough about is, CLEANING...I'm at the lake taking some great shots, a storm in coming in and I look at the clouds. There is a little black speck in my view. I clean my lense but its still there. I take the lens off look and can still see it so I know its in the camera. I clean eye piece, nope still there so I get brave and look at the mirror. It looks dirty so I try to blow it out touch it with my minger and of course its worse. so I start gently trying to clean the mirror. I am using the cleaning kit that came with my Rebel T2 35 mm. think I cant do much harm. Now I see swirls and am scared to do much more. I start looking online for help and mostly I find....EASILY SCRATCHED. DONT TOUCH... I'm scared that I scratched it . I'm headed to the camera shop when I get off but its going to drive me crazy all day. I'm hoping I havent hurt it too bad. I used the cleaning solution on the mirror and above the mirror on the I think sensor . At worst, WHAT HAVE I DONE????????

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April 25, 2006


Jon Close
  Scatching the mirror would not be so bad. It would be an annoyance you'd notice in the viewfinder, but you could live with it. It would not affect your photos. Same for the focusing screen (not a sensor) above the mirror.

At worst, it's possible to have removed some of the mirror's silvering. But we'll hope not. Removing the silvering would not only make the viewfinder dimmer, it would also reflect less light up to the exposure meter.

On the other hand, you may have done no damage at all and simply left a thin residue from the cleaning fluid on the mirror.

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April 25, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Hi Michelle;

Try getting a drop of cleaning fluid on a Q-tip. Clean the mirror very gently with it as you would clean a lens (starting at the center and working out. Then use a dry Q-tip and very gently buff the mirror until clear. Be very, very careful. You don't want to damage the mirror. I've had to do this to my old Minolta several times. I just can't stress the word careful enough.

Have fun and keep shooting,
Mark H.

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April 25, 2006


Todd Bennett

I damaged my mirror on my N75 and just couldn't stand it and had it replaced. I think it cost about 50-75 bucks to replace. As Mark said, careful is the word for today when it comes to this. If mine needs cleaning, I take it to a pro. If he scratches it, he is the one out the cost of the mirror. Not me.


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April 25, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Well, we all live and learn. I used my "mingers" once to clean something. It wasn't pretty.

One thing I just wanted to add Michelle, all kidding aside, is to have the shop check the alignment of the mirror in case you need to ask them to do that. Sometimes cleaning knocks them out of adjustment and they need to be set back in place properly.

Take it light.

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April 25, 2006


Michelle Y. Arnold
  Yep, I was all "mingers" that day. So nervous I didn't even check for typos before submitting. LOL

I would like to thank all of you for your input. I just took a deep breath. Going to finish my roll of film, see how the pics turn out and go from there.

Once again, Thanks so much........

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April 26, 2006


Peter M. Wilcox
  Since you are seeing the speck, it's probably on your focus screen anyway, not the mirror (stuff on the mirror will be out of focus, and unless really big, not visible). Your camera may have a removable focus screen, which can be pulled out and blown off.

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April 27, 2006

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