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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Haley Crites

Dark pictures

I have a Nikon D-100 and it seems like I always have to raise the levels up in photoshop. Is this a setting that can be changed on my camera or is it just the camera?

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April 24, 2006


Sharon Day
  You could set the exposure compensation a little on the plus side and leave it there or bracket each exposure. My D70 typically shoots a little dark all the time too.

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April 24, 2006


Michael H. Cothran
  You could dial in a +.3 or +.7. It is probably a better thing than you think that your D100 underexposes slightly, as it is much easier to increase brightness in post software, whereas it is impossible to bring down over-exposed highlights.
As long as your histogram is within range, I would not try adjusting your exposure, for fear that you'll end up over exposing your images, which, as I stated, is far worse.
Michael H. Cothran

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April 25, 2006

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