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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

problems with focus in creative zones on my rebel

I'm having problems with AF focusing on my digital rebel XT when shooting in creative zones. Whenever I depress the shutter halfway I see a redlight flash in the near right AF box. It seems to ignore whatever metering mode I'm in and focuses on whatever is under the near-right box (even if a subject is closer in the center box). HELP!!!

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April 08, 2006


Leslie Browne
  Hi John

I have the same camera. It sounds like you may just have the wrong focus point selected. Make sure you select the center focus point if you want to focus on the center of your subject or you can set it so all focus points are turned on. Please and hold the selection button which in on the right side of the back panel, it is a box with little dashes that look like a "t". Hold that button and turn the dial. Look in the LCD and pick the point you want. I hope this helps.

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April 08, 2006

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