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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Anthony Ruiz

How to Keep My Lens from Fogging?

I was shooting a football game the other night, and halfway through the game my lens got fogged up. I wasn't sure what to do to clear it off or how to have even prevented it. Can anyone give me some tips? I missed a lot of action while waiting for the lens to clear, and it never really fully cleared the rest of the night.

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April 02, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Greetings, Anthony: Are you sure the problem was lens rather than viewfinder fogging? In most instances, when you take a lens from a warmer environment to a colder one, what tends to fog up is the viewfinder since as it cools, your body heat still warms it up enough to fog it, rather than the lens. The viewfinder can be cleared with a piece of lens tissue and the problem prevented in many instances by using an eye cup over the viewfinder.
If it's truly the lens, I don't have a clue as to what may be causing that over such a long period of time without knowing what the ambient temperature, dew point and humidity levels were. Most of the time, the outermost elements of a lens will tend to fog up briefly when you go from a lower temperature to a higher one, rather than the other way around. The problem is also made worse by using filters on your lens in that they tend to fog up frequently too, but acclimate as a lens element does.
Finally, I use some lens cleaner called ROR (Residual Oil Remover) available at places like I'm not sure, but it may be that the lens cleaner, like some glass cleaners, has an anti-fogging property that minimizes the problem. I say that because I don't notice the problem much, if at all, since I started using the stuff years ago.
Just a few thoughts.

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April 02, 2006


Paul Bellon
  I had exactly the opposite problem when I was living in the Emirates. From the moment I took the camera outside (out of the AC controlled environment) it rapidly fogged up. So, when I knew I was going to use my camera, I just left it locked up in the trunk of my car, so that there was sufficient time for all the equipment to "adapt". Probably not the most practical solution, but it worked for me.


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April 04, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  If fogging is an ongoing problem for you, Try this.

Mix some Dawn liquid dish soap with alcohol. When you've thinned the dish soap to a very thin consistency (basically, water), clean your lense with it.

Have fun and keep shooting,
Mark H.

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April 04, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Regardless of what you put on the lens to solve your fogging problem, don't apply any cleaner or solution directly to the lens itself. Instead, put a drop or two on some lens tissue then gently wipe the lens with the tissue.
Reason is because you don't want liquid to have an opportunity to run down the inside of the lens barrel. That tends to breed fungus (among us) and other living things like mold and mildew. Just thought I'd mention that.
Take it light.
Mark F.

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April 04, 2006


Steve E. Beust
I had the same problem with my telescope on cool nights. Someone suggested to put it out in the night air an hour or two before using it. That way the lenses have time to adjust to the temperature change and thus will help with the fogging issue. This worked for me and I hope it helps you.

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April 11, 2006


Paul Bellon
  Steve B, Anthony and all
That's precisely what I've been trying to say... just keep the equipment in the evironment you're going to work. No need for tissues or other chemicals.
Maybe not the easiest way around, but physics are forcing this upon us.

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April 11, 2006

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