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Michele Wassell

Problem with PSCS2 & Card Reader


Tonight I was trying to empty off a card of images onto my computer from a few weeks ago and PS was running really slow with my card reader and I got the error that e:/ drive is unaccessible due to I/O disc error. Anyone know what that means?

I have PSCS2, XP. I never had this problem before.

Thank you all for your help. Michele

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March 27, 2006


Nobu Nagase
  I do not wish to be a messenger of a bad news, but in the computer tech term, I/O error is a fatal error in the basic I/O routine. It's an error in the component level.
In another word, the system (XP) or PS was unable to perform a read off the card, i.e., the e:/ drive. Normally it means the media is corrupted. But I just hope that the error was a fluke.

I have a question for you, however...
From your description, it sounds like you are having PS to read from the card (that is on the card reader). If so, close PS first and try to transfer the images from the card onto the hard disk. The system will perform retries when a disc I/O error occurs. By any chance, the read may be successful and image transfers may complete ok.

If still no go, try to use another card reader. If still no go, then you probably have to use an image recovery program (free, shareware, and commercial type are available now) to salvage as many images you can.

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March 27, 2006


Michele Wassell
  Thank you so much Nobi for your help and info. I tried to download from E: drive (card reader) and no go on any of my 3 readers. I then downloaded the card to my portable hard drive and then downloaded to the computer from there and that was a success.. Sounds like its a card reader issue (maybe), but I can't believe an issue with all 3 of them at once when my main one worked just fine not that long ago. Hmmmmmm..

Any suggestions???? Thank you...


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March 27, 2006


Jim Macino
  Hi Michele,

If your portable hard drive is attached to the same computer that you are having trouble with...the problem may be with the drive you are trying to store the info on. C: drive? Or it could be on the path to get to that drive...System RAM (memory).

If you have some type of portable drive that allows you to download to it, without connecting to your computer, (I've never seen one) then the problem would point me toward the USB (Universal Serial Bus) port.

You can possibly solve this (ya gotta be tough!) yourself.
Follow these steps:

Remove (unplug) the USB card reader.
Close any open applications (PS etc.)
In XP left click Start
Settings -> Control Panel
Control Panel -> System
System -> Hardware
Hardware -> Device Manager
Device Manager -> Universal Serial Bus Controllers. Click on the +.

You should see a little stack that shows what USB devices you have attached.

If you plug a card reader in, the list will blink (kinda) then display that a new device (USB Mass Storage Device) was attached. Remove the card reader, and the list refreshes to show the device was removed. Once in a while, that list can get out of sync. Device removed during a power outage, whatever. In that case, you may show an extra USB device. Remember, if your portable hard drive is attached, it shows up as a USB Mass Storage Device as well. I know this can be rather confusing, but if you see a device listed in that stack that has a yellow question mark in front of it, RIGHT CLICK on that device and choose Uninstall. Then immediately Shutdown -> Restart your System. As XP reboots, it will clean up that stack. The USB stack will have other line items in it, don't sweat those, only one if it has the yellow question mark. You can go back after the reboot and check the stack again. It should show valid devices.
I hope this solves the mystery.

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March 28, 2006


Michele Wassell
  I think it has to do with the readers myself or the computer not liking the readers for some reason.

I tried your way and it didn't make any difference.

Yes, I have a portable hard drive that I can download my images from the card onto and then I can download the images from the drive to my computer and that worked just fine.

Thank you! :)


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March 28, 2006


Nobu Nagase
  Mechele, I'm glad to hear that you got the images on to the computer by way of your portable storage device.
I would assume the portable device is a USB device, that means the problem is not the USB interface on the computer.

If you are getting the same error using all 3 different readers, then I would not think it's the card reader.
For now, I am inclined to think the problem is the communication problem between the card and the card reader. As you see, all of these connecting pins in the reader and the holes on the card. Every single pins must connect for the system to be able to establish the proper communication.

If the card is older and been used quite often in and out of the reader, the connector(s) on the card may be wearing out slightly and the card may not be setting properly into the reader . To test theory, if you have another card (perhaps a newer one), try to see if the system can read images from it. (what is your card type, a CF card, or other type?)

Anyhow, you are fortunate to have 3 readers and a portable storage device, for this way you have alternative method to test the problem.

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March 28, 2006


Michele Wassell
  Yes, the portable is a USB as well as all three card readers. The one card reader is mine, but the other two are a friends'. I called her to bring them over last night. She just lives down the street. :)

I didn't think about the readers not reading the card, but then how would the portable storage drive read it if the card readers couldn't? Its the same method into the portable drive as it is for the card into the card readers. Hmmmm...

I am going to try another card. Thank you for that suggestion. I really appreciate all your help! :)


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March 28, 2006


Nobu Nagase
  Michele, I was going to say about why you were able to use the protable device. But I missed it...

There are some differences in each device:
- the way the card sets in the reader and another device
- the device driver difference, it's the firmware and/or software
These are the things I can think of for now...
Sometimes device communication is very intricate. The way they do the error check, and so on...

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March 28, 2006

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