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Kitty Cross

Using a Nikkor DX lens on an FM2


I own a Nikkor 18-70 DX lens and I just tried it on my FE body. I don't have access to the aperture obviously, but I do have access to the shutter speed (since that is a function of the camera not the lens --I think)

I thought the aperture might physically adjust when it was on the D70 and you'd be left with whatever the last setting was (if you set f22, then the lens would be stopped down to f22 until changed on the d70)

When peering through the lens, though the iris doesn't seem to have changed. Does anyone know what aperture this lens might be set at? If I knew what it was I could possibly adjust my shutter speed to accommodate it. Not ideal I know, but at least I could use it with my manual cameras as well.

Any ideas?

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March 26, 2006


Michael H. Cothran
  DX lenses are made specifically for digital DSLR's with sensors smaller than the 35mm format. They, and any 'G' lenses ARE NOT made for ANY film cameras, including your FM or FE. Your 18-70 lens will mount ok, but it will shoot stopped down all the way only, since there is no mechanical means on this lens to adjust the aperture. You can fiddle with the shutter speeds, but remember that this lens loses light as it zooms from 18mm out to 70mm. At 70mm, you will have lost 1 stop of light.

However, the worst issue with mounting this to a film camera is the fact that this lens does not cover the full 35mm format. If you look through your camera, you'll see extreme vignetting on both sides, and the image is almost a circle in the middle. Your usable image area will be about 1/3 that of a full size 35mm image (which is plenty small to begin with). Sorry. Not worth it in my opinion.
My advice - Save your money, and look into any used Nikkor lens that is an Ai, Ais MF, or Ais AF with an aperture ring. All these will work properly in Manual and Aperture priority on the FM/FE.
FYI - I have recently purchased several older mint Ai MF lenses off Ebay for a cheap song. Your FM/FE cameras were made in the late 1970's along with the Ai lenses. Ais lenses came in the early 1980's with the introduction of the FA body. Ais lenses (AF and some MF) continue to this day.
Michael H. Cothran

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March 26, 2006


Jon Close
  Slight correction:
"They, and any 'G' lenses ARE NOT made for ANY film cameras,..."
The G lenses that are not DX are fully compatible with Nikon's late-model autofocus film cameras, and can be used in autoexposure modes on their earlier generation AF SLRs.

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March 26, 2006


Jon Close
  P.S. There is a very complete table of Nikon lens/body compatibility at

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March 26, 2006


Kitty Cross
  Thanks gents. I bought the lens for my d70s so it has a home. I had some gear pinched while I was travelling through Mexico and I was just hoping to cheap out and use the new one for both projects....guess not, eh? Never mind. I'm rather partial to pawn shops so as soon as I recover from the last purchase......


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March 26, 2006

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