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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Debra L. E.

What basics do you need to know about conversion l

I am a TOTAL AMATEUR. If my lingo is not right..please forgive. I just purchased a 300mm telephoto lens for my Panasonic DMC F20. Having a hard time with focus...on P mode the aperature & speed is unacceptable....and there is a white fuzzy area in the lower left. Does the length of the lens require smaller aperatures?..faster/slower speeds? Totally gave up trying to hand hold. Auto Focus IS supposed to work, right? Tahnks for any and all help you may be able to give.

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March 26, 2006


Bob Chance

While I'm not at all familiar with your equipment, my first question would be "Is the lens made for your specific camera?" With all the multitude of different combinations out there, it is possible to get a lens that seems to physically mount to a camera, but the mechanics/electronics don't mate for proper lens operation.
If you're having so much promlems with aperature, auto focus and IS, then my first guess would be either the lens wasn't made for that specific camera or it isn't attached correctly.
The white fuzzy area has really got me baffled! Could be the lens, if not properly mounted, is allowing stray light to enter around the mounting collar.
Hopefully someone who is familiar with your equipment can give a clearer answer.
Best of luck.

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March 26, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Did you buy the lense new or used? If you bought it used, it may have something either on it or in it. That may be what's causing the fuzzy area. I would take your camera and lense to a dealer and have them check both out. As Bob said, the lense may not be right for the camera.

Have fun and keep shooting,

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March 26, 2006


Christopher A. Vedros
  Did you get the Panasonic DMW-LTZ10 Telephoto lens that is made for your camera, or some other lens that you were told would work?

I'm thinking Bob is right and that this lens is not really made for your camera. One clue is that you said it is a 300mm telephoto lens, and the lens that is built onto your camera is the equivalent of 36mm to 432mm already.

If you DO have the correct telephoto lens for your camera, I think you need to go into the setup menu and find the place where you tell the camera that the teleconverter is installed. There should be a setting where it asks if there is an aux lens installed, and you choose wide or tele.


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March 26, 2006

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