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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Ariel Lepor

Chromatic Aberrations With Telephoto Lens Add-ons

I recently bought a Fuji S5200 with some attachments, such as lens filters, tripod, and lens attachments. The attachments mostly work well so far, except that the Opteka 2.2x telephoto lens not only decreases the image sharpness somewhat, but it also makes it very difficult for the camera to focus. What's worse, the lens creates horrible purple fringing. Is there any way to get around these problems or did I just get a bad lens?

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March 16, 2006


Ariel Lepor
Here are some pictures to illustrate my point.

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March 16, 2006


Ariel Lepor
  Fringing with 2.2x lens and 10x optical zoom
Fringing with 2.2x lens and 10x optical zoom

Ariel Lepor

  Low quality with 10x zoom and 2.2x lens
Low quality with 10x zoom and 2.2x lens

Ariel Lepor

Here are some pictures to illustrate my point.

P.S. I find I get higher quality pictures using my camera's 10x zoom and cropping than by using Opteka's 2.2x lens on top of my 10x optical zoom. I also find the the problems worsen when I use the 2.2x Opteka lens and use my in-camera optical zoom as opposed to using the 2.2x lens without using my camera's zoom.

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March 16, 2006

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