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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

David Earls

camera bags on airplanes

Planning a trip to the Low Country of South Carolina in a week; going to take a fairly full camera kit with me. Backpack will include one camera body, four lenses, assorted filters and accessories, flash, etc. Everything goes into a backpack for carry-on.

Has anyone experienced any difficulties carrying camera equipment onto the airplane. I'm not planning on using the camera in-flight, but I'm unwilling to check several thousand dollars worth of camera equipment in a soft-sided backpack as baggage.

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February 23, 2006


Wing Wong
  As long as your backpack meets with the airline's carry-on size requirements, you should be fine.

My only suggestion is to not pack very tightly and leave a little room, just in case.

I've got a lowepro camera bag... about the size of a toaster with my camera body and lenses and have not have any problems bringing it onboard.

I've also brough a backpacking backpack the size of a suitcase once and didn't have any problems... other than getting it up into the overhead, that is. :)

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April 03, 2006


Denyse Clark
  I've flown into NYC, and overseas with full camera gear like you described, and haven't had any problems at all. They may hand search it, but just leave yourself enough time just in case & you'll be fine.

Definatly never check your equipment, always carry on!

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April 03, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Anecdotes are good, but if you want the straight scoop on airline carry-on bag sizing requirements, take a look at Richard Stumm's website for Kinesis Gear. Copy and paste the link below.

I travel nearly every week and the info at Rich's site has never failed me.

Take it light.

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April 03, 2006


David Earls
  My sincerest thanks to all who responded. What I learned:

1. Pack it right.
2. Carry it on (including the tripod)
3. Dept of Homeland Security folks are good people trying to do their jobs and very tolerant of us aberrant photogs -

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April 03, 2006

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