This afternoon, it was cold & crisp & very..."> This afternoon, it was cold & crisp & very..."/>

BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Christopher A. Vedros

Wierd Static Electricity Effects

  Static Electricity Fun
Static Electricity Fun
Keep your camera at a safe distance!

Christopher A. Vedros

I guess this could be one of those "Kids, don't try this at home" public service announcements.

This afternoon, it was cold & crisp & very dry outside (unusual for the humid South). My kids were outside jumping on the trampoline, and I got this crazy idea to lie on the trampoline and take pictures of them while they jumped around and over me.

After a couple of shots my camera (Canon Digital Rebel) locked up. I think it said ERROR 01 on the screen. I turned it off and then on again, but the next time I pressed the shutter, it locked up again and the aperture value on the screen went to 00. This happened about 4 or 5 times with one error or the other repeating, while I stubbornly kept trying.

Then I looked over at my daughter, and noticed that her long blonde hair was standing up in all directions like in one of those science experiments. I turned the camera off and carefully crawled off of the canvas trampoline.

As soon as I was off, the camera worked fine again. I took the attached picture of my daughter's wacky hairdo. The trampoline was like a huge static electricity field.

I nervously went inside to the computer, since I had taken a bunch of pictures at a Baptism this morning and foolishly hadn't switched cards. No problems, though. It seems the overdose of static electricity didn't have any lasting effects on the camera, the lens, or the card, thank Goodness.

Has anyone ever had anything effect their camera like that before?


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February 12, 2006


Christopher A. Vedros

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February 13, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Hi Chris. Don't admit that it's static. Rather, tell people it's a telephone line strung out back. Cute shot though.

Yeah, I had static twice: Once in a cold weather situation when I let the motor drive rewind the film. The other was in the darkroom pulling the tape off a film spool and blasted the #12 frame on the roll.

Take it light.

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February 13, 2006

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