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Cari A. Fulker

How to Fix Minolta Maxxum 3XI flash

I have two bodies for Minolta Maxxum 3XI, one the flash does not work. How do I switch them myself?

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January 23, 2006


Jon Close
  You can't. Asking the question indicates a lack of skills necessary to accomplish this task. The flash circuitry includes a capacitor that can store several hundred volts for extended periods, even when diconected from the battery. Have the inoperable one professionally serviced, or simply use the one that works.

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January 23, 2006


Jon Close
  You can't. Asking the question indicates a lack of skills necessary to accomplish this task. The flash circuitry includes a capacitor that can store several hundred volts for extended periods, even when diconected from the battery. Have the inoperable one professionally serviced, or simply use the one that works.

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January 23, 2006


Jon Close
  d'oh d'oh d'oh. Double post, misspelled "disconnected," and left out the next line - "a shock from mishandling the capacitor could be painful and possibly lethal."

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January 23, 2006


Cari A. Fulker
  Thanks, I wish I could use the one with the flash that was working, but the Arpeture (sp) went bad on it and Minolta doesn't make the part to replace it anymore so I bought one off of Ebay and the flash doesnt work on it.

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January 23, 2006


George Anderson
  Even if you know how to safely discharge the capacitor, most later AF cameras require some soldering skill and fine tools even for something as relatively simple as replacing a built-in flash - without causing more damage, that is. Nearly all of us who've worked on repairing cameras ruined our first attempt or two.

Most repair shops should be able to do this repair, but it may be over $50. At that price, given the camera's value and remaining lifetime, you might be better off upgrading to another body? The Maxxum 7, if you can still find one around used, is a pretty good Minolta body IMHO.

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January 23, 2006

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