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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Sara L. Tanner

Cameras on Horseback

I know this is a rather odd time of year to be asking about this, but have any of you traveled on horseback with your cameras? If so how did you carry them? I have taken my camera on my horse several times now, but would like a better way to carry it. Currently the best place for it, I have found, has been in my front coat pocket. I feel that if I could get it out quicker I could take shots of the wildlife that being on horseback allows one to approach more closely than being on foot. Has anyone found a way to keep their camera on the inside of a forearm? There it would be out of the way for riding and handy.

I've included a shot that I took while riding.

If anyone has any input that'd be great!


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January 11, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Hi Sara;

I've taken my camera horseback several times. I carry my camera in a backpack case. It's harder to get to, but it keeps your hands free. Most camera bag manufacturers make them. Have a great day and keep shooting.

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January 20, 2006


Sara L. Tanner
Thanks for the response Mark!! Have you taken pictures from horseback or just traveled with the camera on horseback? I have experimented with showing the horse in the picture (see example). Have a good day!

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January 24, 2006


Sara L. Tanner
  Trail Ride
Trail Ride
Shot while mounted.

Sara L. Tanner

Not sure why image didn't load

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January 24, 2006

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