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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Focus needle in camera will not adjust

I have a Minolta SRT 101 I have had a problem with getting a new battery for it.
I did finally replace the battery and the camera is still not coming on. The little
needle in side that is suppose to move just stays in one position, can you give me any suggestions as to what may be the problem.

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January 05, 2006


doug Nelson
  Problems such as this are to be expected in a 35 year old camera. That Minolta is actually one of the best in terms of durability. Check out repairs or They may be able to give you a repair estimate. A newer Minolta X370, 570 or X-700 on an auction site or at KEH may be cheaper than having the SRT repaired. Your Minolta manual focus lenses are definitely worth keeping. The 50mm f1.7 MD Rokkor X in 55 filter size beat out a $500 Leica 50mm in a test.

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January 05, 2006


doug Nelson
  HMMMM Forgot something. Put the battery in the opposite direction from where you have it now and see if that makes a difference.

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January 05, 2006


Will Turner
  You mean the light meter? Here's the checklist:

1)Install fresh battery
2)Clean battery contacts and compartment, remove oxidation
3)Pull bottom plate and clean switch contacts, make sure plated surface contacts aren't worn
4)Pull top cover and inspect meter needle stops to see if they've turned to goo. Remove, clean and replace meter needle stops with fresh foam.

If you don't want to fix the meter you can always use a handheld one and keep shooting. As long as the shutter hasn't worn out (not bearing mounted), any SRT will FAR outlast a later amateur-level MF Minolta particularly the X-370/570/700 with their trouble-prone capacitors and additional electronics. Remember, KEH doesn't teardown or inspect the internals of their older used Minolta cameras for bad/leaky electronic components, sticky shutters, etc, etc.

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January 05, 2006

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