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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

camera batteries

Camera Batteries
I like taking pictures of scenery and would like to get some winter ones but find that the battery life is really low. Which batteries would be best used in outdoor winter weather?

I asked a question a few weeks ago about shooting pictures in cold weather. I didn't add what type of camera I am using...I am using 2 cameras, a 35 mm auto and a 35 mm slr camera. I appreciate all the responses back to my question. Does that change any thing with the camera info included?

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December 13, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  Lithium batteries last 2-3 times as long as nickel cadmium batteries do. They also cost about 2-3 times as much. Are you going to be firing off dozens of exposures, using fill flash, autowinder and rewinder? Anything that can put a drain on your batteries can put a drain on your enthusiasm when the camera don't click like it used to. If you see power consumption as being iffy or even just for your piece of mind, the go lithium. If not, then simply replace your batteries before you venture out and you should be good to go.

Chris Walrath

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December 13, 2005


Peter K. Burian
  Susan: Yes, Lithium batteries are ideal.

If your camera accepts AA size batteries, the rechargeable Ni-MH batteries are also fine in cold weather. (NOT the old Nicads).

The Ni-MH batteries are great if it's not TOO cold. See

Regards, Peter Burian, Instructor,
Mastering The Digital Camera and Photography

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December 14, 2005


Jon Close
  >> "Which batteries would be best used in outdoor winter weather?" <<

Answer - Warm batteries.
Keep a spare set (or two) next to your body and exchange them for the ones that get cold in the camera.

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December 14, 2005

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