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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Eli Warren

Nikon N65 w/Neopan 1600 meter problem

I use a nikon n65 that ive had for a year with no real problems to date. but last night I went to shoot pictures of my local downtown with some highspeed neopan 1600, I shoot on manual and it kept saying there was not enough light, I went home after this and looked through the book on the camera with no help. I metered the carpet in my room which is moderately lit and it gave me a middletone reading of 5 seconds at f8, this just cant be right...please help I was taking these pictures as a christmas present.

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December 12, 2005


George Anderson
  It would be easier to diagnose the problem if you ran a roll of 'normal' i.e. 100 or 400 speed film thru the camera in good outdoor light, then develop to see if it is still reading the correct DX code on the film canister, metering AND exposing properly.

The N65 unfortunately has no way to manually override DX film speed setting like the N80. If the camera can't read the DX code it defaults to ISO 100. This MAY be the problem. Fix could be something simple like cleaning the DX encoder contacts with alcohol and a Q-tip, or it could be more complex.

There are also reports of malfunction of the N65 aperture/metering mechanism that could also be causing the metering discrepancy.

If you have narrowed the culprit down to the camera not reading the DX code, as an emergency measure, you might be able to use 400 speed film if you set the exposure compensation to +2. Or you could use 100 speed film and a tripod.

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December 12, 2005


Eli Warren
  i did shoot a roll of 400 speed film just before all this happened, I havent processed it yet but I guess when I do I can at least figure whether its a camera problem or not, it seemed to meter normally with the 400. ill see, thanks for the quick response

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December 12, 2005

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