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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Jason R. Mcbride

Is my K1000 broken?

i recently bought a k1000 off ebay, but it seems like the light meter is broken, I currently have the iso set at 400 and with the shutter speed set at 1000, but when im in my living room with lights on, the light meter will not move unless I point the camera directly at the light bulb, then it moves up about half way, and yes I just replaced the battery with a new one

any help would be greatly appriciated


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November 30, 2005


Jon Close
  Sounds like it's working. 1/1000 is too fast a shutter speed for dim indoors, even at ISO 400 or even ISO 1600. The K1000 is fully manual, you also have to adjust the lens aperture. If you don't already have it, you can download the instruction manual from Pentax's website.

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November 30, 2005


Jason R. Mcbride
  Lol, I feel like a total moron, about 2 seconds after I posted this, I realized what was going on...

but I do appriciate your response :)

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December 02, 2005

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