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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Nikon camera

HI!What years Nikon camera made?

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November 26, 2005


Kendall L. Noland
  Nippon Kogaku, K.K., or Japan Optical Co., was formed on July 25, 1917, by the merger of three small optical firms, one of which dated back to 1881. They began with some 200 employees and eight German technicians who were invited in July of 1919 and arrived in January of 1921. They were actually an optical firm and not a camera manufacturer, therefore, their beginnings parallel those of Leitz and Zeiss, who also began as optical manufacturers.
Sometime in late 1945 or early 1946 it was decided that they should produce a camera of their own and research began on both a 6x6 TLR and a 35mm., interchangeable lens, coupled rangefinder camera. The TLR was dropped and design of the '35' continued. On April 15, 1946, a production order for twenty miniature cameras, to be used in experiments, was issued. Their camera went through many name changes during this gestation period, but in September of 1946 the design of the camera was completed and the name 'NIKON' was decided upon, which is the first time that this word is ever seen. A lens program was also going on at this time, but actual production of the camera did not begin until early 1948, which brings us to the first Nikon.

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November 26, 2005

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