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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

K. Power

Using a Stroboframe W/Canon 20D

I just bought a Stroboframe Pro RL bracket to use w/ my Canon 20D and Quantum 4d flash. I am confused how to use it. If I am attaching the camera correctly, the "handle" is on the left. However there is a padded knoblike thing that sits right under my chin as I am looking into the viewfinder. ??? What is that??
Also the camera seems to sit too far forward in the frame to the point that I MUST raise the frame so my head will fit between the two horizontal parts of the frame. Is this right?
I am tempted to return the frame after a few days but wanted to see if anyone can help with these questions.

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November 18, 2005


Jon Close
  I think you might be mounting your camera backwards. The padded knoblike thing just under the camera is the handle for holding in your left hand. Mounted properly, it should be under the camera's lens. The upright part of the frame that holds the flash should be on your right, but angled forward to give you access to the camera's right hand controls. See, especially the photo at the bottom.

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November 19, 2005


K. Power
  Thanks for the help Jon. Works like a charm now. All frames I used before the handle has been on the right. I won't be returning it now.
Thanks again!

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November 19, 2005

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