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Sigma 70-300mm lense

Hie there

I just purchased a brand new SIGMA 70-300mm APO DG macro lense. I was wondering if any of you who has experience with this lense give me some advice please.

1) The macro switch on the lense, It does not seem to be any different from when it is in normal mode. Is there a specific way of using this that I do now know of?

2)According to the manual, it mentioned that if I were to use aperture priority I would be able to move the diapgram ring to larger aperture sizes. However, I tried this, and all it gave was an error msg. Any ideas?

Would really appreciate any feedback, This is my first zoom lense and I am not sure quite how to work it out.


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November 08, 2005


Jon Close
  Not sure about (1). I had a different Sigma lens that had a macro switch on it. You could only switch to macro and the closer focusing range when zoomed to the longest focal length.

Your gallery indicates you're using a Nikon D70. Problem (2) is a limitation of the D70. The Sigma lens is a "CPU" lens and the D70 does not recognize aperture set with the ring on those lenses. You must set the lens to its auto-aperture setting (largest f-number) and set the aperture on the D70. (see pp. 18 and 76 of the user manual)

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November 08, 2005


John G. Clifford Jr
  The macro switch is used to restrict the focusing length of the lens. If you left the macro mode engaged, then the camera would have to focus all the way into the closest focusing range when it was trying to get a focus lock. Disengaging this (via the switch) means the camera can focus faster.

Re the aperture, what he said.

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November 08, 2005


thanks guys!
just the answers I needed.
Appreciate it

ALso just realized that both of you are John C.

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November 08, 2005

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